These are our former foreign correspondents who have returned to Germany, Austria, or Switzerland but remain experts on the countries where they previously lived.
Maputo, Mosambik
Analysen, Hintergründe, Berichte und Reportagen aus dem Land der Hoffnung.
Genf, Schweiz
Hinter den Kulissen der UN unterwegs & in Sachen Afrika und Terrorismus
Peking, Deutschland
Analysen & Features zu Geopolitik, Umwelt, Klimaschutz und Energie zu China und dem Ostseeraum
Istanbul, China
Wirtschafts-Journalist, Bestseller-Autor, lebte lange in Shanghai und Istanbul. Themen: China, Asien, Globalisierung
Our interest in people and places, in new things, and fresh perspectives has brought us to cities and regions in more than 40 countries around the globe.
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