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Reportagen, Porträts und Analysen aus China und Fernost

Janis Vougioukas
Shanghai, China

Janis Vougioukas has spent the last 15+ years in Shanghai, from where he covered China’s fast rise from a developing country to a true world power. In his reportage and feature stories he wrote about hungry migrant workers, corrupt officials and the fast changes the people in China have learnt to live with.

Janis studied political science and economic history at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. He also graduated from the German School of Journalism (Deutsche Journalistenschule) and spent a year learning Chinese at the Capital Normal University in Beijing.

After graduating In 2002, he moved to China and started freelancing for several magazines and papers. He later became the economics correspondent for the liberal daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung. In March 2009, Janis joined Stern Magazine as their Asia bureau chief.

In 2019, Vougioukas left journalism and founded the strategic investment company FEAST. His new venture invests in innovative F&B start-ups and bring the companies to China, the world’s biggest consumer market.

Bücher von Janis Vougioukas

Wenn Mao das wüsste

Janis Vougioukas