Berichte aus Mosambik. Hintergründe, Analysen und Recherchen für Hörfunk, Print und Online.
Stefan Ehlert
Maputo, Mozambique
I have been working as a free lance correspondent in Mozambique 2018 - 2023, mainly for Deutschlandfunk and epd News Agency. Issues are ranging from elections in 2019 to cyclones and climate catastrophes be it Idai 2019 or Gombe 2022, but there is no lack of media related stories and other political issues as well like the big corruption scam "Dívidas Ocultas" (hidden debths) and the terror crisis in the Northern province Cabo Delgado with 4000 deaths and ca. 1 million refugees. The same province, where big reserves of natural gas are waiting to be exploited - for the benefit of Mozambique? We don't know. For the benefit of the climate? Definitely not.