
CORRECTIV CrowdNewsroom

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All Correspondents

Other Weltreporter
Western Europe:

Alexander Musik, Vienna
Julia Wäschenbach, Copenhagen
Sascha Zastiral, London
Thomas Franke, Berlin
Christine Mattauch, Kaiserslautern
Peter Stäuber, London
Nicola de Paoli, Edinburgh
Kerstin Schweighöfer, The Hague
Barbara Markert, Paris
Eric Bonse, Brussels
Birgit Kaspar, Toulouse

Hinter den Kulissen der UN unterwegs & in Sachen Afrika und Terrorismus

Marc Engelhardt
Geneva, Switzerland

Marc Engelhardt spent seven years in Africa as a foreign correspondent. Since 2010, he has been based in Geneva, Switzerland, where he reports on the United Nations and the more than 200 international organizations based in the city. He is especially interested in stories that connect Africa with Europe.

The Cologne native studied geography, marine biology and public law in Kiel. After completing his studies, he got his start in journalism at the radio broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk, and spent several years working for the Tagesschau news program for broadcaster ARD.

From 2004 to 2010, Marc Engelhardt was based in Nairobi, where both of his daughters were born. His documentary "Hotspots - Afrika Speaks up on Climate Change" was shown at several film festivals. In his books, Mr. Engelhardt writes about Africa, climate change and the consequences of globalization.

Bücher von Marc Engelhardt

Heiliger Krieg – heiliger Profit

Afrika als neues Schlachtfeld des internationalen Terrorismus Engelhardt, M [...]

Marco Polo Kenia

Marc Engelhardt


Marc Engelhardt

MERIAN live!

Marc Engelhardt


Marc Engelhardt und Markus Steigenberger